Hey guys,
This is my final post in the GSoC series of posts for the myhdl version of Leros Tiny Processor. Here I will describe the work done, what were some of the challenges I faces, the work still remaining, and my future plans for this project.
In my GSoC proposal, I had outlined 5 major goals for the development of leros:
1. Writing the tools like simulator, assembler.
2. Development of the processor and test suite.
3. Code Refactoring and conversion to myhdl
4. Synthesis and harware testing with examples.
5. Writing of the UART + Command bridge on Leros, the real world application.
I'm happy to tell you that my goals 1, 2, and 3, are all over and done with. The various python based modules have been written and well tested(coveralls indicate that the test coverage is currently around 88%) . I wrote a simulator in python for the processor, which has also been used for the tests. This is a good idea because processor simulators are much easier to write in software than the processors themselves, and this increases test coverage. Many of the bugs were caught this way. Many challenges were also faced, like hazards, and getting the timing down just right.
That part(points 1, 2) was done in the first 7 weeks. Unfortunately, it took more time that originally anticipated because the slightest of bugs in the description can cause the program to run awol. Also, debugging is hard because you actually have to go to the executing step by step, looking at the execution of each instruction.
Then I started the code refactoring and conversion phase. This is important because lots of things that can be written in software and run perfectly on simulation can either not convert to VHDL or not synthesize. For example, the decoder signals, which go from the decoder to the various components and cause the execution, were originally a list of signals. Since this can't be converted, I have hence used interfaces. Other things were also changes, that were giving either no or poor results in VHDL.
The main design of the processor goes as follows: We write and assembly file, and assemble it. While instantiating the processor in our designs, we pass this file as arg to the main pyleros @myhdl.block, and also connect the 16- bit I/O ports and 1-bit strobes to the appropriate places. And the working is on. Such a design,a long with the I/O also have tests in the test suite. This was done because the processor is supposed to work as a general purpose peripheral, so the memories have been included and are not exposed outside. This design can be modified as needed.
The PR's can be viewed here:
And that brings us to the end of this long post. It has been a long and eventful summer with many ups and downs along the way. But after all this, the project is finally done, and I can tell anyone who asks that summer 2016 was a summer well spent!
This is my final post in the GSoC series of posts for the myhdl version of Leros Tiny Processor. Here I will describe the work done, what were some of the challenges I faces, the work still remaining, and my future plans for this project.
My GSoC project was to redesign the Leros tiny processor in myhdl, convert and synthesize, test it on hardware, and develop a command bridge assembly for it to be interfaced with other rhea designs.
The entire project repository can be found at:
The entire project repository can be found at:
The pull requests that divide the project into stages(now merged) are at:
4. The conversion branch. The complete convertible code, including the example programs, assembler, ans the generated .rom and .vhd files.
3. The python based simulator and increased test coverage
2. The complete working and tested pyLeros modules
1. Work before the midterms PR (partly the modules and the tests).
The pull requests that divide the project into stages(now merged) are at:
4. The conversion branch. The complete convertible code, including the example programs, assembler, ans the generated .rom and .vhd files.
3. The python based simulator and increased test coverage
2. The complete working and tested pyLeros modules
1. Work before the midterms PR (partly the modules and the tests).
pyLeros Development Summary
In my GSoC proposal, I had outlined 5 major goals for the development of leros:
1. Writing the tools like simulator, assembler.
2. Development of the processor and test suite.
3. Code Refactoring and conversion to myhdl
4. Synthesis and harware testing with examples.
5. Writing of the UART + Command bridge on Leros, the real world application.
I'm happy to tell you that my goals 1, 2, and 3, are all over and done with. The various python based modules have been written and well tested(coveralls indicate that the test coverage is currently around 88%) . I wrote a simulator in python for the processor, which has also been used for the tests. This is a good idea because processor simulators are much easier to write in software than the processors themselves, and this increases test coverage. Many of the bugs were caught this way. Many challenges were also faced, like hazards, and getting the timing down just right.
That part(points 1, 2) was done in the first 7 weeks. Unfortunately, it took more time that originally anticipated because the slightest of bugs in the description can cause the program to run awol. Also, debugging is hard because you actually have to go to the executing step by step, looking at the execution of each instruction.
Then I started the code refactoring and conversion phase. This is important because lots of things that can be written in software and run perfectly on simulation can either not convert to VHDL or not synthesize. For example, the decoder signals, which go from the decoder to the various components and cause the execution, were originally a list of signals. Since this can't be converted, I have hence used interfaces. Other things were also changes, that were giving either no or poor results in VHDL.
Synthesis and testing
Finally synthesis and testing part, which was further refining the structure of myhdl so that the converted VHDL can be synthesized, and is semantically correct too( This is important, so that resources are not mis-assigned while synthesis). There is actually still some bugs in this, for example, the synthesizer keeps assigning a couple thousand registers instead of on board memory for the RAM.Examples and hardware testing
Next came the examples. Because I felt like I was repeating almost exactly martin had done with his assembler in Java, I scraped my half-written python assembler and ported over the java one in a day. Now I had examples that I wrote, some of the common tasks that can be used to test processors, for example sorting algorithms, etc. These were written, assembled, tested on simulation, converted to VHDL, tested on VHDL simulation, and finally tested on the FPGA. And they work!External Design of the processor
The main design of the processor goes as follows: We write and assembly file, and assemble it. While instantiating the processor in our designs, we pass this file as arg to the main pyleros @myhdl.block, and also connect the 16- bit I/O ports and 1-bit strobes to the appropriate places. And the working is on. Such a design,a long with the I/O also have tests in the test suite. This was done because the processor is supposed to work as a general purpose peripheral, so the memories have been included and are not exposed outside. This design can be modified as needed.
Git development flow.
The git development workflow I followed was something like this: A little of the initial development was done was in the branch. Then I moved the development to the branch core. After the mid terms, the a PR was given from the core branch to the master, and the development continued in dev-exp. dev-stg2 contains the code for simulation and some refactoring. Branch conversion contains the conversion refactoring, tests with the assembled code, and generated vhdl, with the synthesis. The branched have subsequently branched from the previous one after giving a PR to the one before that. The branches have been merged to main after successfull testing phase, because of time constraints.The PR's can be viewed here:
Future plans
Unfortunately, one of the goals outlined, creating of the command bridge on pyleros, I wasn't able to complete, and has been postponed to after GSoC. However, I have a clear view in mind of what has to be done, and I expect to finish it off in the next couple of weeks. That way, I can also test the processor with existing rhea cores. Beyond that, the part remaining is writing more examples, trying to increase coverage to 100%, the works. In short, the majority (over 95%) of the project has been done.And that brings us to the end of this long post. It has been a long and eventful summer with many ups and downs along the way. But after all this, the project is finally done, and I can tell anyone who asks that summer 2016 was a summer well spent!
What about merging the PR's into master and post a (real) link to the main GitHub repository?
ReplyDeleteDid both those things, thanks.