Hello Readers,
This post is a little late in coming, I know. As I mentioned in the earlier post, I was completely cut off from the internet for the first couple of weeks, and the communication part of the project has been a little weak.
Anyway, this is about the work done in the first 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks were dedicated to studying the design of the processor and creating the tools, including the simulator and the assembler. Creating the assembler linker helped to get thoroughly familiar with the instruction set, while the simulator helps understand the data paths that need to be build in the actual processor. Plus, these tools are useful in quickly writing examples to test on the actual core.
What follows is a description of both the tools.
The storage units, for example, accumulator, register file, or the data/ instruction memory, is modelled by variables. And that's pretty much there is to a simulator.
This post is a little late in coming, I know. As I mentioned in the earlier post, I was completely cut off from the internet for the first couple of weeks, and the communication part of the project has been a little weak.
Anyway, this is about the work done in the first 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks were dedicated to studying the design of the processor and creating the tools, including the simulator and the assembler. Creating the assembler linker helped to get thoroughly familiar with the instruction set, while the simulator helps understand the data paths that need to be build in the actual processor. Plus, these tools are useful in quickly writing examples to test on the actual core.
What follows is a description of both the tools.
An instruction set simulator, or simply a simulator, for those who don't know, is a piece of software that does what the processor would do, given the same input. We are 'simulating' the behaviour of hardware on a piece of software. The mechanism, of course, is completely different.
A ISS is usually build for a processor to model how it would behave in different situations. Compared to describing the entire datapath of the processor, a simulator is much simpler to code.
0x08 0x12 #ADD r1
Since the design of Leros is accumulator based, one of the operands is implicit(the accumulator) and this instruction describes adding the content of memory location r1 to the contents of accumulator, and storing it back in the acc.
Where 0x08 is the opcode, and 0x12 is the address of the register described by the identifier r1. The actuall processor would involve a decoder.:
On a simulator, this can easily be modelled by a decoder function containing if-else statements that do the same job, for example,
if instr & 0xff00:
addr = instr & 0xff
addr = instr & 0xff
val = data_mem[addr]
acc += val
acc += val
The storage units, for example, accumulator, register file, or the data/ instruction memory, is modelled by variables. And that's pretty much there is to a simulator.
Before assembly code can be simulated, it needs to be assembled into binary for a particular instruction set, and that is the job of the assembler. The major difference between an assembler and compiler is that most of assembly code is just a human readable version of the binary that the processor executes. The major job of an assembler is:
1. Give assembler directives for data declaration, like a_: DA 2, which assigns an array of two bytes to a.
2. Convert identifiers to actuall memory locations.
3. Convert instructions fully in to binary.
When the programs is split into multiple files, there are often external references, which are resolved by the linker. The linker's job is to take two assembled files, resolve the external references, and convert them to a single memory for loading.
Leros instruction set and tools
Since the leros instruction set is of constant length(16 bit) and uses only one operand(the other being implicit, the accumulator), the job was greatly simplified. The first pass, as described above, has to maintain a list of all the identifiers. There are no complex instructions like in the 8085 instruction set, or a complex encoding like the MIPS instruction set.
The high 8 bits represent the opcode, with the lowest opcode bit representing if the instruction is immediate. The next two bits are used to describe the alu operation, which can be arithametic like
The high 8 bits represent the opcode, with the lowest opcode bit representing if the instruction is immediate. The next two bits are used to describe the alu operation, which can be arithametic like
or logical like
Data read and write from the memory is done using the instructions
The addressing can be either direct, or immediate, with the first 256(2^8) words of the memory directly accessible with address given as tge lower 8 bits instr(7 downto 0) describing the address. The higher addresses can be accessed by using indirect load stores, in which an 8 bit offset is added to the address, which is also retrieved from the memory using a load.
Finally, branching is done by using the
instructions, which respectively mean the unconditional branch, branch if zero, branch if non zero, branch if positive, branch if negative.
I/O can be specified by the
instructions along with the I/O address given as the lower 8-bits of the instruction.
That's the end of that. Stay tuned for more!
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